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Tips to Invest in the Stock Market

Tips to Invest in the Stock Market

The majority of investors profit by selling their valuable stocks and keep the low performing stock to get a bounce back from it. Stocks with better value can climb up in the market further and low stocks can risk you in the market.

Figuring out the budget to invest in the stock market and accordingly selecting the right stocks makes most of the financial investors free from the stress of drawbacks. But, they get engaged in searching for quality and valuable stock for the long-term and make corrections to stack their profile with right picks.

For the difference between stocks that deliver over medium to stock deliver over the long term, one should have the capability to have a healthy solution of subjective and quantitative elements that impact investor's returns in long-term goals.

Though Stock markets are unknown for uncertain and unimaginable success and failures. There are some tried and tested principles that can help investors boost their chances for long-term and immense success.

  • Selling of Loser Stock
  • After a decrease in stocks, there is no guarantee that it will give you bounce back or success. You should be realistic about your low-performing stocks. Also losing stock after realizing the mistake can lead to mental failure but you should feel no shame knowing your mistake and selling investments to stem.

  • Don’t Run After a Hot Tip
  • Never accept a stock tip with the knowledge of the sources. Always analyze before choosing any stocks and investing your valuable money on it. Do good research before investing your hard-earned money, it is always recommended to refer to the stock market charts and indicators.

  • Set Long Term Goals
  • It is always important to know the purpose and the time for which you will stay invested. The stock market is a volatile investment asset, there is no certainty that all your capital will be available when you need it. Hence, if you are ready to stay invested for 3-5 years, you will witness phenomenal returns. Therefore, the stock market is a lucrative investment asset in the long run.

  • Stop Looking for Small Stuff
  • Always do investment to fulfill a long-term goal, instead of toiling hard for short-term gains. It's always better to have a big picture in your mind and have a long-term vision. Be confident in your investments and have a big-picture mindset. Do not let the small things ruin your large story's. Long-term investor's success is based on-time scheduling for years or more than that.

  • Annual Report
  • It would tell you about your client or the company for whom you want to invest. It tells the whole things related to the company like how it has been doing over the past years and all the financial reports such as losses, profits, sales, etc. Through this, you can get an idea about the company and its growth. It is important that you invest wisely and read every report before so that you can get a fruitful result in return.

  • Current Market Price
  • After knowing your annual report, you should enter the current market price. Traders often hike up price and volatility will be seen clearly while observing trends. Wait for the stability of the chart, when you are investing.

  • Dividends
  • According to the stock marketing history, 75% of the genuine companies give you dividends. It's not so much in numbers, but sometimes it's very less. But don't depend on only capital appreciation alone. Dividends can give you some comfort. They will work as a backup for your stocks, while that's rises in capital over the years.

  • Be Open-Minded in the Market
  • The majority of companies have household names, but many good companies don't aware of brands. Thousands of underrated companies have the caliber to become the shining star of tomorrow. Small stocks have shown great returns than large stocks. This is not a suggestion to have small caps in your profile.

  • Tryout the P/E Ratio
  • The price ratio/earning ratio is the most common tool used for stock investing. It determines whether a stock value is underrated or overrated. It is calculated by dividing the current price of the stock by the company's earning per share. An increase in P/E ratio means more willing investors are to pay for those earnings. However, a high increase P/E ratio indicates that the stock is overvalued and can experience a pullback. A low P/E ratio indicates that the stock has attractive values and pushed shares below their actual value.

  • Avoid Stock Value Traps
  • To know whether a stock is a good long term buy or not, you just need to apply some principles like looking at the company's debt ratio and current ratio. Debit ratio figures out the number of assets that are linked to the financial debt. The calculation works as dividing the company's total liabilities by its total assets. The possibility the higher the debt indicates that the company could be a value trap.

    There is another tool called the current ratio which is calculated by dividing the company's current assets by its current liabilities. Increase in the high rates, more liquid the company becomes. By using debit ration and current ratio you can build a good idea as to whether the stock has good values or not.

    When you want to invest in the stock market, investing in stocks for long term deals with patience and discipline. Spotting long term investments when the company or market is not performing well can be acceptable. By using all marketing tools and principles and indicators, you can grab that diamond inside it and avoid all the traps that affect the value of your stocks.

  • How to choose stock for the intraday trading?
  • The selection of particular stock is important in intraday trading. The investor can learn multiple strategies for selecting a particular stock for intraday trading. However, a trader can learn by experience and by following certain disciplines.

  • What are the types of orders I can place?
  • You can place multiple kinds of orders like market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, good-till-canceled orders, after-market orders (AMOs), and many more.

  • Can we trade when markets are shut?
  • No, you can’t trade when the markets are shut. But, you can place orders. These are called After-Market Orders. AMO is for those who are busy during market hours but wish to participate.

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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.


1. SEBI study dated January 25, 2023 on “Analysis of Profit and Loss of Individual Traders dealing in equity Futures and Options (F&O) Segment”, wherein Aggregate Level findings are based on annual Profit/Loss incurred by individual traders in equity F&O during FY 2021-22.
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