
What Is the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)?

What Is the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)?

The Bombay Stock Exchange or BSE is the first and biggest securities Indian Market and was first established in 1875 as the Native Share and Stock Brokers' Association. Based upon Mumbai, India, the BSE lists close to 6,000 companies and is one of the biggest exchanges on the earth, along with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), London, Japan, and Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The BSE has helped a lot to develop India's capital markets, including the retail debt market, and has helped grow the Indian corporate sector. The BSE is the first stock exchange of Asia and it also includes an equities trading platform for small-and-medium enterprises. BSE has diversified into providing other capital market services that include clearing, settlement, and risk management.

A company listed under the Bombay Stock Exchange can enjoy several advantages, like:

  • Hassle-free capital generation
  • The listed companies enjoy the trust of all kinds of investors that are present in the market. It spreads market knowledge of a budding business, allowing each and everyone to carefully analyze the imminent condition of such companies and invest according to it.
    Paid-up capital for a business can only be possible if a company is listed with a prevalent stock exchange in a country.
    Market securities can be sold in a financial market if it is listed on the BSE, thereby sufficing the liquidity requires both businesses and individual investors. Funds to meet any type of requirement of a company can be obtained only through the issuance of debt and equity securities, which investors buy for the purpose of wealth creation.
    Securities bought can be readily sold through the online trading settlement of BSE, thereby it allows the investors to effectively encash their investment as and when the need arises.

  • Legal Supervision
  • Investors can skim through fraudulent companies if they invest in organisations listed with BSE. Various rules and regulations are declared by SEBI monitoring the registered companies, minimising the chances of investors suffering through a loss due to illicit activities of a business.

  • Timely information display
  • Adequate knowledge about total revenue generation and reinvestment patterns has to be published every year by all companies listed under the BSE stock exchange. Total dividend disbursed, bonus and transfer issues, book-to-closure facility, etc. have to be viewed as per SEBI regulations.

  • Adequate pricing rules
  • Price securities trading in the BSE share market is determined through demand and supply of the same currently prevailing. This reflects the real value of a share, affecting a company's market capitalization and ease of procurement of funds.

  • guarantee
  • Securities issued by a company acts as a collateral guarantee at the time of loan taking. Most of the financial institutions accept equity shares listed in BSE as leverage against which funds can be obtained.

All companies listed under the Bombay Stock Exchange can use the following financial instruments to raise funds for their business.

  • Equity
  • Equity instruments usually have shares issued by a company to raise adequate paid-up capital for its operations to run smoothly. Huge equity is raised during an IPO of a start-up in the primary capital market. However, shares which are newly issued are subject to strict regulations under SEBI, due to the volatility of prices at this stage.
    Equity that is already issued can be traded amongst retail customers in the secondary market through a stockbroker.

  • Debt instruments and government securities
  • These instruments are issued by an underlying company to raise finances without giving ownership to investors. Relatively these are mainly risk-free in nature, trading in debt instruments can be done in both primary and secondary market, depending on its nature. Various government securities are there such as zero coupon bonds, floating rate bonds, capital indexed bonds.There are some advantages of listing in the Bombay Stock Exchange:
    1. Easy capital generation
    Companies those are listed under theBSEenjoy the trust of the investors. Given the platforms transparency, an investor can analyse publicly available data points on the companies performance and invest according to it. This trust is very much beneficial for companies those are looking to gain capitals from the ready investors. The securities of companies listed in theBSE alreadyhave a ready market of buyers. And, the main role of theBSEin infusing liquidity into the economy that cannot be overlooked.Theonline trading systemofBSEmakes the entire process looks so much more effortless. Thus, giving all the investors the ability and confidence to encash their investment as and when they need it the most.
    2. Legal supervision
    SEBI has strict mandates for the companies listed onBSE,which are updated according to time. Thus, a strict check is kept on the companies to make sure that the rules laid out are implemented, reducing the chances of fraudulent companies making their way to the exchange. This supervision dramatically decreases the chance of loss to investors resulting from the misrepresentation of businesses.
    3. Publishing adequate information
    The information published by the companies listed onBSE mainly includes:
    1. Total revenue generation
    2. Reinvestment pattern
    3. Total dividend disbursed
    4. Bonus and transfer issues
    5. Book-to-closure facilities and many more
    This periodic info disclosure enhances the transparency in the process and helps the investors to make more informed decisions.
    4. Reflection of the real value of shares
    There are enough pricing rules for securities that are trading onBSE. The prices are decided based upon demand and supply patterns, reflecting the real value of a share at any given period.
    5. Collateral guarantee
    Most financial institutions accept the securities listed in theBSEas collateral against loans. Investments in such types of stocks are invaluable as aside from offering great returns, they can also help the traders to access capital by mortgaging these share certificates to invest in their business securities and trade in BSE.

Bombay Stock Exchangeis making great success in its journey towards realizing its vision of emerging as the premier Indianstock exchangewith the best-in-class global practices in technology, product innovation, and customer service. BSE also plays a very important role in managing the country financial markets, while Sensex provides insight into market sentiments and performance.
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